Alessandra Ciffo
Islamic State (IS) claimed an armed attack conducted on February 16th by Mozambique State[1] on Nkiora, a Christian village in the Shiur area of Cabo Delgado, Mozambique, in which a Christian was killed and a church, 24 houses, and a school were burned.
The attacks against Christians, like militias, villages, and civilians have risen lately, such as the attack in Chai village against Christian militias, or the kidnapping and killing of a Christian in Litamabda village, near Pemba city, Cabo Delgado, or again a similar situation happened to another Christian in Macomia County, Cabo Delgado, both in early February.
Since late January 2024, there has been monitoring the IS in strengthening its power through propaganda and ideology among the Mozambican population through its visits to Muslim villages in the Macomia District, Capo Delgado, such as Darumba village, taking a lecture for the locals titled “the importance of establishing Sharia laws, waging jihad and other religious provisions.”
Moreover, the IS reported taking various meetings with the Muslim population in several villages in the Macomia district, Cabo Delgado province, including Phangan, Nakotoko, and Mukojo, where the mujahideen held religious and political discussions with the local population, like the importance of following Islamic practices and beliefs, dividing people along religious lines, and warning against any assistance to government forces. In a few situations as stated by the local administration of some villages of Kisanga district, IS militants passed through these areas without causing damage to anyone and appeared open to dialogue with local residents, who would more likely accept its administration, control, and “protection” likely affecting the National forces authority, like Mozambican army, which, according to various IS supporters and militants, “they are afraid to clash directly with IS Mozambique State and IS fighters in the area, retreating or fleeing.”
[1] One of the “wilayat” (provinces) of the IS officially recognized.
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